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A member registered Mar 04, 2019

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A very good little interactive story! I had a good time going through the days prior to the sorting ceremony. Would love to see more and discover more about the characters that I met during this!

One error I noticed however is that the same paragraph was repeated twice during the sorting ceremony scene. The paragraph was : "Suddenly your knees feel like pudding and your heart is beating like the engine of the train you took to get here. You take a deep breath and step forward, sitting down on the chair. The hat is places on your head and you hear a voice."

Thank you for your work !

A very enjoyable game ! I loved the choices I made and their outcomes. The writing was beautiful and the story really interesting. I will have to play again to see other way this could have ended.

I love this game. It was a touching story, not only about loss but also about love. I found the mini game very soothing and the music and the art style beautiful. A poignant experience !